MoveS - Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination

Client: EC DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration:Dec 2017 - ongoing (renewable annual contract)
Partners: Eftheia and Deloitte Advisory and Consulting, supported by the law faculties of the universities of Lljubljana (SI) and Poitiers (FR).
Geographic coverage: EU MS + EEA Countries
MoveS stands for ‘Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination’, which connotes dynamism and refers to the thematic underpinning of the project.
MoveS is a European Commission (DG EMPL) funded network of independent experts in the fields of free movement of workers (FMW) and social security coordination (SSC).
The overall aim of MoveS is twofold. On the one hand, MoveS is to provide the EC with high-quality legal expertise in the areas of FMW and SSC, both by means of reports – informing the EC’s analysis when considering developments in the EU legal framework – and by means of ad hoc analytical support – assisting them with the investigation of complaints, petitions, parliamentary questions etc.
On the other hand, MoveS will also have a role in disseminating this expertise and increasing experts’ and practitioners’ knowledge of the relevant fields of EU law, in particular by organising (training and other) seminars, sharing information and building networks between stakeholders.
European Social Affairs, Management and Communication
Research, policy analysis, training, capacity-building, information sharing and communication activities