New project - Framework contract ELA Capacity Building Centre
The consortium partners ICF and Eftheia supported by MDF and UP Learning have been awarded witht eh framework contract to support the...
Feb 14, 2022
New project - Framework contract - Provision of legal services to the European LabourAuthority
The consortium composed of Milieu and Eftheia has been awarded with the framework contract for the provision of legal services to the...
Jan 18, 2022
New project - Network of legal experts on FMW and SSC
Eftheia and Deloitte Consulting, in collaboration with the Universities of Lljubljana and Poitiers, have been awarded with the contract...
Dec 17, 2021
New project - Legal consultancy on setting up ELA's mediation procedure
Eftheia has been awarded with a one year contract to support the European Labour Authority (ELA) with the set up of its mediation procedure.
Oct 19, 2021
New project - Study supporting a possible EU initiative on long-term care
To assist in designing a potential future proposal for an EU initiative on LTC and to support the identification of policy relevant...
Mar 11, 2021
New project - Occupational Health and Safety in the context of platform work
Eftheia, HIVA KULeuven and Milieu have been entrusted with the study providing an “Overview of OSH policies, research and practices in...
Dec 12, 2020
New project - European centre of expertise in the field of employment and labour market policies
The Management and coordination of the European centre of expertise in the field of employment and labour market policies, has been...
Sep 12, 2020